Posted by Judy Taylor on
When I was a kid growing up on the farm, we always looked forward to Halloween so we could go Trick or Treating at the neighboring farms. And back then you didn’t get pre-packaged candy and candy bars. You got homemade treats. Treats like homemade taffy wrapped in wax paper, molasses popcorn balls, candy apples, brownies, fudge, peanut brittle, glazed pecans, Grandma’s HUGE tea cake cookies, and my favorite was homemade caramel corn in brown paper lunch sacks. What a treat that was!
Everybody raised their own popcorn, peanuts, pecans, and apples and used what they had. And those treats were REAL treats!! And homemade caramel corn is still my favorite. Every fall I make up several batches.
One of my granddaughters has a nut allergy, so I will leave out the nuts for her. But the batch for everyone else will have nuts in it. Hope you enjoy this wonderful fall recipe.
7 Bags microwave popcorn
2 Cups brown sugar
1/2 Cup light Karo syrup
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 Can mixed nuts (or just peanuts)
DIRECTIONS: Combine Sugar, syrup, butter, salt and vanilla in pot. Bring to boil over medium heat. Boil for 5 minutes as you continually stir. Remove from heat. 

Mix in soda and watch it roam and rise as you stir. Stir in nuts. Pour over popped corn and mix quickly. I use a big old fashioned enamel dish pan to mix and I bake it right in that dish pan.
Put caramel corn in 250 degree oven and bake for one hour. Stir up the popcorn every 15 minutes with a wooden spoon so it doesn’t burn. Pour out on wax paper to cool. I break mine up while it is still warm. Divide into sandwich size Ziplock bags.
Enjoy! Excuse me now while I go whip up a batch!