8 Resolutions Quilters Make (But Never Keep!)

Posted by Judy Taylor on

It's that time of year again -- time to make resolutions! If you're like me, you make a bunch on January 1 and then immediately fail to keep them. Here are 8 common resolutions that quilters make (and ones that are totally okay to break, by the way!). 


1--Pull fabric from your stash instead of buying more fabric.  Yes I'm laughing too!  This one is TOTALLY okay to break, if you know what I mean.



2--Keep your sewing space neat and tidy.  The key word in that sentence is KEEP.  I clean mine but it only lasts until the next time I sew.



3--Finish your works-in-progress before you start a new project.  Like that's really going to happen.



4--Make a quilt for yourself.  Excuse me?  Quilter's make quilts for themselves?



5--Start holiday gifts and projects earlier this year.




6--Do your own quilting instead of sending it out to be quilted.



7--Stop promising you'll make a quilt for your friend's sister, neighbor's nephew, etc.




8–Make more time for quilting.


Happy New Year Quilters!!  Hope to see you in the shop often in 2019!!


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